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Oxygen is replenished or released in nature when green plants make the use of Carbon Dioxide to perform photosynthesis

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Anvesha Namdeo

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3y ago
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because of desanacanition

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Q: How does the oxygen in the atmosphere get replenished?
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Oxygen was introduced into the atmosphere as a byproduct of?

The source of oxygen in the atmosphere is a complicate stellar process.

Why isn't the oxygen in the earths atmosphere used up by the breathing of humans and other animals?

It is constantly being replenished by plants, from the giant 100mtr trees to the tiny algae. These plants convert, by photo-synthesis, the carbon-dioxide breathed out by animals back into oxygen in the atmosphere.

Why is 80 percent of air nitrogen not oxygen?

Nitrogen is relatively inert and so will stay stable in the atmosphere. Oxygen on the other hand, is very reactive and is also in a constant cycle of being removed from the atmosphere by cellular respiration and replenished by photosynthesis. The higher concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere, the more likely it is to react with something, which will deplete the amount. Currently, the air is about 21% oxygen, but has reached levels as high as 35% during different periods.

What does air supply for hummans?

Earth's atmosphere which is replenished by growing things.

How does oxygen get replenished in the air?

Plants and other photosynthetic organisms in the process of making glucose (their food) from carbon dioxide and water (using light as the energy source) release the highly toxic waste product of this process called oxygen into the atmosphere.

How is oxygen replenished in nature?

Plants take in carbon dioxide then when they take that they give off oxygen

How many years atmosphere are there?

There is only about 2 years remaining. Starting next year, half of you will need to stop breathing every other day.just kidding. The atmosphere does not run out. It is replenished by green plants that make oxygen as part of photosynthesis. You may resume breathing now.

What percent of the atmosphere is oxygen'?

21% of the atmosphere is oxygen.

What is the oxygen content of the atmosphere?

The atmosphere is 79.9% oxygen.

Is oxygen debt a legitimate medical condition?

Oxygen debt is not a condition but rather a medical term that refers to the amount of oxygen that is lost during intense physical activity and needs to be replenished. This loss or debt of oxygen is replenished by heavy breathing that occurs during intense physical activity or when the physical activity ceases.

What is an aerobic atmosphere?

the environment which has the availability of oxygen it is called aerobic atmosphere and if the availability of oxygen is not there in atmosphere then it is anaerobic type We live in a aerobic atmosphere which has the oxygen available

Is there oxygen in Mercury?

No, there is no oxygen in Mercury's atmosphere because Mercury does not have an atmosphere.