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The ozone layer protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun. these UV radiations are fatal to life on earth and can cause variuous problems to life on earth.

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9y ago

Ozone layer blocks the harmful UV rays of the sun. These rays could be fatal for life on earth.

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Q: How does the ozone layer help protect life on earth?
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What is the ozone layer and how does it help protect living things?

The ozone layer is a portion of the Earth's atmosphere which contains relatively high levels of ozone. It helps protect living things by blocking the sun's rays from living things on the Earth

How can people help protect the ozone layer?

People can protect ozone layer by stopping use of CFC's. These compounds deplete ozone.

How can i help the ozone layer problem?

Yes, you can. You can curb the CFC's to protect ozone.

How does the ozone layer help sunscreen?

the ozone layer doesn't help sunscreen silly! the ozone layer has harmful rays that can hurt your skin so sunscreen helps protect you from those rays.

How can you help in protecting the ozone layer?

We can do various things to protect the ozone layer. These include skin cancer, eye cataract etc.

How do you recover the ozone?

See "What can we do to protect the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

How does the ozone save or help the earth?

Ozone layer absorbs the UV rays of the sun. They are fatal for life on earth.

How industries can protect ozone layer depletion?

Industries can produce ozone friendly products. These products could help in saving ozone.

How does the ozone layer in the atmosophere help protect people?

Ozone blocks the UV rays. They are the harmful rays of the sun.

Can you protect the ozone layer by planting more and more trees?

CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) are harmful to the ozone layer. they used to be used in aerosol sprays and fridges until scientists discovered they were causing holes to form in the ozone layer. they aren't used anymore, but some developing countries are still producing them. ban the use of CFCs worldwide, and you would definitely help stop the destruction of the ozone layer.

Does the ozone layer protect us from getting craters?

yes,because it help us breath or protect us from burning

What your family and you can do to help protect the ozone layer?

We can all pay strict attention to our Municipal Guidelines.