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how am i supposed to know? i am not a genius. that is why i was looking for the answer myself.

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The pampinform plexus will literally raise the testes toward the body to keep them warm if it is too cold (which slows or stunts the production of sperm).

Raising the testes toward the body warms them, which in turn allows the continued production of sperm-thus homeostasis of the testes is maintained.

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Q: How does the pampiniform plexus surrounding the testicular artery help maintain temperature homeostasis of the testes?
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What structures compose the spermatic cord where is it located?

The spermatic cord is located in the abdominal pelvic cavity and the testies which are located outside of the abdominal pelvic cavity

What structure make up the spermatic cord?

The arteriies are: The sticular, Deference, and Cremasteric. The nn. are : the nerve to the Cremasteric artery (from genital branch of the Genitaofemoral nerve) and the Sympathetic nerve. Vas Deference, correspondi vv., Pampiniform Plexus, the lymphatic vessels and the Process vaginalis Thanks. Please check the above against the Gray's Anatomy. After fifty years of practice, I still use the Gray's Anatomy for guidance and reference. The idea of importance is , have a basic knowledge, look very carefully, don't ligate nor cut anything at all unneccessary; put everything back in a normal anatomic order , make sure not to twist them, attain hemostasis without creating much tissue strangulated by the sutures. hjc

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Can the testicular temperature be higher and lower than the body temperature?

Yes the sperms usually want it a bit cooler then the bodyheat. That is why they hang on the outside of your body.

Vein that drains the ovaries or testes?

In either case there is a bed of veins called the pampiniform plexus which directly drain the organs blood supply. The plexus then drains into discreet veins; from the ovaries, the ovarian veins and from the testes, the testicular veins. These discreet veins connect directly to the inferior vena cava.

What is a left hydrocele?

accumulation of fluid surrounding the testis making testes impalpable. Transillumination positive. related rarely to testicular tumour. treated by leaving it alone or aspiration.

Why do your testicles hurt at night?

Testicular cancer Testicular cancer is cancer that develops in the testicles, a part of the male reproductive system. Epididymitis Inflammation of the epididymis. Testicular torsion In testicular torsion the spermatic cord that provides the blood supply to a testicle is twisted, cutting off the blood supply, often causing orchialgia. prolonged testicular torsion will result in the death of the testicle and surrounding tissues. Mumps A contagious and infectious viral disease causing swelling of the parotid salivary glands in the face, and a risk of sterility in adult males Hydrocele The accumulation of serous fluid in a body sac technically, it depends on what type of pain it is and you should see a doctor

Can microwaves give testicular cancer?

no it cannot give testicular cancer

What connection does testicular cancer have to heredity?

Family history of testicular cancer.

What is testicular histopathology?

Testicular histopathology is a microscopic examination of the tissue of the testicle to look for disease.

What is the purpose of testicular self-examination?

Most testicular cancers are first noticed by the man himself.