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through the stem

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Q: How does the plantain reproduce without seed?
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How does a plantain tree reproduce without seed?

Root stock splice

How does the plantain reproduce with out seed?

because the vegetables grows our the seed Through its suckers.

Do seeds always grow plants with seeds?

no it does not a plant can reproduce without a seed

How do plants without seed's reproduce this is in science?

Plants may also reproduce from tubers or bulbs, or by rooting of branches, (called layering, such as blackberry). Some such as lichens can reproduce from broken-off bits.

How do non-seed plants reproduce?

Non-seed plants reproduce like fungi, by using spores. Examples are mosses and ferns.

Does a stentor reproduce by seed?


How do California redwoods reproduce?

Californian Redwoods reproduce from seed.

Does a tulip need a seed to reproduce?

Answerno it does not need the seed

How does a turnip reproduce?

A turnip is grown from seed.

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How do aconite plants reproduce?

By seed.