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the position that me and your mom did last night thats the poosition

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Q: How does the position of the earth determine whether a day is one of the solstice?
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How does the position of earth determine whether it is one of the solstice or equinox days?

The solstices occur at the points where the Earth is either closest to, or farthest away from, the Sun. The equinoxes are the mid-points between the solstices - where the day & night are of equal length.

How does the position of earth determine whether a day is one solstice or equinox?

I know this isn't a really good answer, but I need help on the same question too. But, for the answer I got: When the earth rotates.I know that wasn't much help, but it was better than the first answer, right? :)Sorry I wasn't much help!

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La Mara

How is the solstice and the equinox related to the position of the earth's axis?


How does the position of Earth determine whether a day is one of the solstice or equinox days?

I know this isn't a really good answer, but I need help on the same question too. But, for the answer I got: When the earth rotates.I know that wasn't much help, but it was better than the first answer, right? :)Sorry I wasn't much help!

Describe the position of the earth and sun for the spring and winter solstices?

There is no "spring solstice", there is a spring equinox and a summer solstice.

How does the position of Earth determine weather a day is one of the solstice or equimox days?

The position of Earth in its orbit around the sun determines whether a day is a solstice or equinox. During the solstices, the Earth's axis is tilted furthest towards or away from the sun, resulting in the longest or shortest day of the year. During the equinoxes, the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the sun, leading to nearly equal day and night lengths.

How does the position of earth's axis at the march and September equinoxes compares to its position at the summer solstice?

The sun is pointed on the light of that ray so it will make it comparison.

How does the position of earth axis at the march and September equinoxes compare to its position at the summer solstice?

The sun is pointed on the light of that ray so it will make it comparison.

How does the position of earth's axis at march and September equinoxes compare to its position at the summer solstice?

The sun is pointed on the light of that ray so it will make it comparison.

What is the length of night during a solstice?

It can be anything from zero hours to 24 hours, depending on where on Earth you are, and whether you are talking about the summer solstice or the winter solstice. At the summer solstice, the day is between 12-24 hours, depending on your location, and the night is between 0 and 12 hours.