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Q: How does the promise of a nations constitution compare to it's reality?
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How does the promise of a nation's constitution compare to its reality?


How does the promise of a Mexico's constitution compare to its reality?

The Mexican constitution is considered one of the most liberal in the world, including protection of national resources, freedom of press, free transit and human rights. The problem is its enforcement, as Mexico is still a developing country with weak institutions. One example is freedom of press: while it is guaranteed under the constitution, the current war on drugs has meant many journalists have been killed by drug cartels just for publishing the truth.

How do you investigate reality?

Imagine a perfect scenario, compare it to reality. Why does reality suck? Because it has many unpredictable factors.

Do written and unwritten constitutions exist in reality?

unwritten constitution exists in

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Anyone who does evil to satisfy only their needs.

How can you compare hypertonicity to death and afterlife?

You can't compare them. Hypertonicity is a term used in biology, therefore it is part of reality. Death is the only certain thing in life and the afterlife is a term, thought up by people who are afraid of death, which has no basis in reality.

Did the Numbered treaties recognize the rights of the first nations?

the numbered treaties did not recognize the rights of the first nations because the first nations were shy and they thought what they received was good, but in reality their land was sold to make railways.

What advantages and disadvantages might being nonaligned have offered a developing nation nation during the cold war?

There were no advantages to being non-aligned, as it left nations essentially prostate before the great powers, plus the term was meaningless as in reality "non-aligned" nations were simply nations that quietly sided with Soviet Russia in the Cold War.

How does the popular image of the Civil War compare with the historical reality?

The major difference is the question of slavery. In reality slavery was a minor issue. The major causes of the war were the same that led to the war of independence from Great Britain.

Is Total Drama Island based on a reality action island game?

Not really. But some people compare Total Drama Island to "Survivor."

What is the common noun for Indians?

This depends on who you ask, in all reality. "Native American" or "First Nations People" as well as "Tribal" are more acceptable terms.

How was Paul Revere part of the constitution?

No, he wasn't there.The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming.