

How does the pulse work?

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8y ago

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An electronic cigarette can come in many different shapes and sizes. The two main types are disposable (non rechargeable) and rechargeable. They can be realistic cigarette styles (as above), cigar styles or even in the shape of pens and other items. For this guide we will talk about the realistic style rechargeable electronic cigarettes.

An electronic cigarette is made up of two parts. The body or white part is the rechargeable battery (fig 1) and the filter part (fig 2) is the bit that holds the nicotine and vapour solution. These two parts screw together to make up the electronic cigarette.

The easiest way to recharge the battery is with a USB charger (fig 3). The electronic cigarette battery simply screws in to the USB charger (fig 4) and the USB charger can then be plugged in to any computer/laptop or USB enabled device. You can also purchase electronic cigarettes with wall chargers and car chargers which plug in to the cigarette lighter in your car.

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