

Best Answer

It is much easier to control the hydrogen

and oxygen during direct combustion than

during their reaction in a fuel cell.

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Q: How does the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to produce energy in a fuel cell differ from their interaction during the direct combustion of hydrogen and oxygen?
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Can a combustion reaction produce hydrogen?

No. If anything, a combustion reaction will consume hydrogen.

When copper burns why doesn't it produce hydrogen?

Because burning (combustion) is an oxidation reaction and hydrogen is not implied.

What type of reaction occurs when between hydrogen and oxygen to produce water?

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No, a combustion reaction is where a chemical reacts with oxygen to produce an oxide and lots of heat. Glow sticks use a a kind of reaction chemiluminescence. The reactions often involve oxygen particularly hydrogen peroxide, but they are not combustion reactions and typically produce little to no heat

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Not a combustion reaction. Combustion reactions produce CO2 and H2O.

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A complete combustion reaction will produce CO2 and H2O, while an incomplete combustion reaction produces CO and H2O.

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No, burning hydrogen produces only water, it does not produce carbon or carbon dioxide.

A reaction occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen to produce energy in the form of heat and light?

This is an oxidation reaction (combustion, burning).

What is the formula for the chemical reaction for oxygen and hydrogen?

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The gas bag of the Hindenburg dirigible was filled with hydrogen gas. The reaction was, at least initially, combination of hydrogen with oxygen from the air to produce water and much heat. The heat eventually triggered other reactions, such as oxidation of the passengers. Reaction of other materials with oxygen to produce gaseous products is generally called "combustion".

Does combustion reactions form precipitates?

a combustion reaction does not produce a precipitate an example is 2C4H10 + 13O2 -> 8CO2 + 10H2O