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Although bulimia can sometimes be harder to detect than anorexia it can be just as harmful in both many similar and different ways.

It can leave you at risk for malnutrition which can be caused by both under eating or overeating. The word malnutrition indicates deficiency for energy, protein and micro nutrients (like vitamin A, iodine and iron) either singularly or in combination. This can lead to even greater health risks including (but not limited to) respiratory infections, kidney failure, blindness, heart attack and death.

Although both anorexia and bulimia leave you at great risk for becoming dehydrated, bulimia exposes your body to greater risk because the process of purging ( in most forms ) tends to drain your body of fluids. Once one becomes dehydrated they are exposed to even further symptoms including dizziness, weakness, or darkening of urine. This can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, seizures, brain damage and death.

It could cause edema which is swelling of the soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation. aIt is most common abdominal area of bulimics fro laxative or diuretic use.

Like anorexics they are also at risk for electrolyte imbalance and more, but bulimics are especially at risk for some stuff that anorectics are not.

Bulimics especially are at great risk for tooth decay. Self induced vomiting could also cause tearing at the esophagus,it could even cause gastric rupture which is spontaneous stomach erosion, perforation or rupture. It could also leave you at risk for gastrointestinal bleeding.

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Although the risk of death is not as high as for anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that leads to excessive weight loss.

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People with anorexia face the risk of low body mass and osteoporosis, as well as risking relapse of anorexia nervosa.

How is homeostasis affected by anorexia nervosa?

Since anorexia nervosa deprives the body of the food and nutrients it needs, the body is not receiving those essential nutrients vital to normal body function. (such as calcium not being able to flow to muscles and make them contract, thus putting the muscles at risk of atrophy because of a lack of use) If the body can not function normally, then there is something wrong with homeostasis.

Who is at risk for over nutrition and under nutrition?

over = junk food and no balanced diet, no exercise, positive family history, genes, etcunder = no balanced diet, chronic illness, anorexia nervosa, etc

Is the risk of anorexia higher for certain careers?

The risk of developing anorexia is higher among adolescents preparing for careers that require attention to weight and/or appearance

Disease associated with anorexia?

Anorexia can psoe many heath risks. The skin can become dry and flaky, and hair can become brittle or fall out. Nails become discolored. Anorexics are at high risk to suffer from organ malfunction or failure, particularly in the liver and kidneys and especially in the heart. Low body fat and weight and malnutrition can lead to dizziness, fainting, fatigue, low blood pressure, brittle bones prone to cracks or breakages, increased risk of infection, and an increased risk of hypothermia.

What is the substance called Sodium Valproate?

It is used to treat epilepsy, anorexia nervosa, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and several other things. But it has a very high risk for birth defects. And about 10% of users experience reversible hair loss.

What are thr typical age groups who are at risk for anorexia?

Females between the ages of 12 and 26 are most at risk.

What does genetics have to do with anorexia?

It is considered that anorexia can sometimes have a genetic link. If a person (particularly a girl) has a diret biological family member, then it is possible that they might have a slightly higher risk of developing anorexia or other eating disorders.

How do you recognize if a friend is at risk of anorexia?

Both males and females can suffer with anorexia, but it effects females much more often, so I will tend to use the feminine pronoun she. If a person expresses fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though she is underweight, this is a possible indication of an eating disorder. If a person refuses to maintain normal body weight, and if her body weight is less than 85% of what it should be, this is a strong sign of anorexia. She may experience herself as overweight or fat, even as you more accurately perceive her as being seriously underweight. She is not fooling or lying; she is having difficulty with her self-perception.Women who suffer with anorexia sometimes engage in binge eating and purging (intentional vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas). Bingeing and purging are not exclusive to bulimia. Bulimia is also a very serious disorder. You mustn't conclude that if a friend is binge eating and then purging that she cannot have anorexia; she may indeed.If a friend who has begun menstrual cycles tells you that she has missed two or three cycles in a row, do everything you can to get her to her doctor. This is a serious symptom of anorexia and it needs attention right away.