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Refer to the British Standard: 'BS5250 Code of practice for control of condensation'

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Q: How does the risk of surface and interstitial condensation in buildings may be minimised?
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How are evaporation and condensation linked?

Evaporation is basically when water goes back up in the sky and becomes a cloud. Condensation is the opposite, where it goes back down on surface from the cloud, otherwise known as rain.

What causes condensation on windows?

Whenever there is excess humidity in a home, it manifests itself in the form of condensation on the coldest area of a wall, which is normally the window. The warmer the air, the more moisture it will retain, so when air in your home comes in contact with the colder glass surface, it is subsequently cooled and moisture is released in the form of condensation on the glass.

Why should vapor barriers be installed on the warm side of the insulation?

Because warm air can carry more moisture w/o causing condensation than cold air. If you had the moisture barrier at the cold side warm moist air would hit the cold surface and fall out as condensation, leaving water in the insulation.

Why is the suction pipe of vapour compression refrigeration system insulated?

To minimize sweating of the air around the pipe. When the air comes in contact with a cool surface, its water vapor condenses!

How are steam condensers classified?

Two broad types of condensers are: (i) Direct contact type condensers; where the condensate and cooling water directly mix and come out as a single stream. (ii) surface condensers; which are shell and tube type heat exchangers where the two fluids do not come in direct contact and heat released by the condensation of steam is transferred through the walls of the tubes in to the cooling water continuously circulating inside them

Related questions

Does appositional or interstitial growth occur in the periosteum?

periosteal surface

When does condensation takes place?

when the evaporated water turns into the clouds, or when a fine mist of condensation forms on a smooth surface.

When condensation takes placed?

when the evaporated water turns into the clouds, or when a fine mist of condensation forms on a smooth surface.

What happens to condensation temperatures if the pressure is increased?

humdidity and the temperature differental between the air and the surface on which the condensation collects.

Is the falling of the water or anywater from air to the surface of the earth?


Condesation on windows?

Condensation is water droplets appearing on a surface.

How does condensation accor?

When hot vapour is near a cold surface

How can you speed up condensation?

cool down the surface the water is condensing on.

Solid condensation on a surface that is below 0 degrees is known as?


What do you call water collecting on the ground or in a stream?


Which earthquake waves do the most damage to surface structures and buildings?

Surface waves

When is condensation more likely to occur?

Condensation usually occurs on a surface that is cooler than the adjacent gas. A substance condenses when the pressure exerted by its vapour exceeds the vapour pressure of its liquid or solid phase at the temperature of the surface where the condensation is to occur. The process causes the release of thermal energy. Condensation occurs on a glass of cold water on a warm, humid day when water vapour in the air condenses to form liquid water on the glass's colder surface. Condensation also accounts for the formation of dew, fog, rain, snow, and clouds.