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Q: How does the sea floor affects tectonic plates?
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How sea floor spreading provide evidence for tectonic plates?

by the plate tectonic and the ocean bridges

What provides the most evidence for the theory of plates tectonic?

The spreading of the sea floor.

What landforms are created when two tectonic plates diverge?

new sea floor

How does the movement of tectonic plates and continents relate?

When the plates drift apart through sea floor spreading, so do the continents

What causes the sea floor to spread apart?

Sea floor spreading occurs due to the movement of tectonic plates away from each other. This movement creates a gap or rift at the mid-ocean ridge where magma rises up from below the Earth's crust, solidifying to form new crust. Over time, this process results in the continuous widening of the sea floor.

Definition of sea-floor spreading in a kids own words?

it's when tectonic plates split and magma comes up through the separation of the tectonic plates and build new crust

Are convergent boundaries and sea-floor spreading related in any way?

No, but divergent boundaries are the spreading of the sea floor and convergent boundaries are tectonic plates push together

What evidence from the sea floor proves that tectonic plates move?

Underwater volcanoes are one example of tectonic plate movement. Because when the plates move pools of lava are exposed and released. Hope this helped!

How do physical properties of the asthenosphere support the ideas of continental drift and sea floor?

The asthenosphere allows tectonic plates to move

What plates causes mount saint Helen to form?

Tectonic movement in the ocean or sfs sea-floor spreading, caused it

What causes openings in the surface of the earth?

The shifting of tectonic plates which cause sea-floor spreading which is located in mid-ocean ridges.

How do the physical properties of the asthenosphere support the ideas of continental drift and sea floor spreading?

The asthenosphere allows tectonic plates to move