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the shadow will rotate and grow as the sun gets higher and it reaches its highest point (usually around midday) the gradually decrease in size as the sun begins to set.

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1mo ago

The shadow of a tree moves along the ground as the position of the sun changes throughout the day. In the morning, the shadow is longest as the sun is low on the horizon. As the sun rises higher, the shadow shortens and moves, reaching its shortest length around noon. In the afternoon, the shadow begins to lengthen again as the sun starts to set.

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Q: How does the shadow of a tree move during day from sunrise to sunset?
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The shadow moves during the day because you are a solid, the sunlight can't get through any solid, so your body casts your shadow. and yes, the sun moves. Even if you don't move, you can still see your shadow moving. It is super long in the morning, pointing to the west, then super short in noon, to North or South, and then super long again in the afternoon, pointing to East.

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Well, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The shadow always points the opposite direction of the sun. Therefore, in the morning, the shadow will point west. At night, the shadow will point east. :) Hope I helped!