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Shark have up to 3,000 teeth at a time. Adaptations of shark teeth all depend on their size, shape, and the species to which each tooth belongs to. But in general, since sharks do not chew their food and the swallow it, the teeth help them grip onto their prey better and are also used for tearing apart their food better. See the following website for specific shark teeth adaptations: ~ Hexedgirl92

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13y ago

The same way all sharks can, they have razor sharp teeth, with barbed notches that work like a fishh hook, to keep thiir prey from escaping.

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How does a sharks teeth help it catch its food?

slanted inward

What allows tiger sharks to catch food?

It is the skills, jaws, teeth and movement.

What shape are sharks teeth?

Depends on what that particular species of Shark prefers to eat.

How do shark teeth help sharks?

It helps them because they can catch their prey easier and eat faster because of how sharp thier teeth are.

Do blue sharks have teeth?

Blue sharks do have teeth. Since they are carnivore's and prey on fish and other sea animals they have many teeth used to capture these hard to catch prey. Like other sharks the blue shark has many rows of teeth that fall out as they get worn down, only to be replaced by a new set of teeth.

How many teeth shark have?

i am sure over 100 because when a nurse shark grips on to its prey it is destin to keep holdin on

How does a shark adapt to its environment?

=''sharks have extremely large teeth to catch their prey''==''sharks have become feared by other animals including boxer crabs, MAKING IT EASIER TO CATH AND EAT THEIR PREY!''''sharks have extremely large teeth to catch their prey''==''sharks have become feared by other animals including boxer crabs, MAKING IT EASIER TO CATH AND EAT THEIR PREY!''=

Does the shape of a shark tooth determine what it eats?

no Sharks have pointy teeth, suitable for a carnivorous diet. It would be more accurate to say that the carnivorous diet determines the shape of the teeth, rather than to say that the teeth determine the diet.

How do sharks use their teeth?

A whale shark uses it's mouth and teeth to catch food. You can also consider that they use their fins and tails to swim to get to their prey.

How sharp are the hammerhead sharks teeth?

how sharp is the hammerhaed sharks teeth

How long are tiger sharks teeth?

tiger sharks teeth are about 3inches long

Why don't sharks have blunt teeth?

Sharks have pointed teeth to help them catch their prey. They bite the prey, shake it around, and swallow it whole.