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because depending on where the surface receives direct light, it affects the trend and biome

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Q: How does the shape of a planet influence its temperature?
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How does the shape of the planet affect surface temperature?

I dont no but please get a life uhhh byee

What is the shape of a planet's orbit and what does it contribute?

The shape of a planet's orbit is elliptical.

What influence does gravitation have on the planet shape?

Gravitation answers to a description in Einstein's general theory in which spacetime itself is curved by the effects of gravity; the influence of gravity is such that planets tend towards an ideally spherical shape; although all known planets have a slight equatorial bulge (spherically oblate shape) due to their rotation.

Does planet shape life or life shape the planet?

Both are true there is an interdependance.

Which planet has the temperature of 10 000?

which planet has a temperature of -180 to 400

What planet has a dragon shape on it?

Planet Arg.

Why does the temperature of a planet vary with the distance from the Sun?

The main reason why a planet's temperature can vary due to its distance from the Sun is because less solar radiation will reach it. But there can be numerous factors that influence a planet's temperature regardless of its distance from the Sun. The main influence being the atmosphere. I.e. Venus is further from the Sun than Mercury, but is the hottest planet in the solar system because its atmosphere traps carbon dioxide causing a runaway green house affect. Some planets reflect the Sun's rays from their atmosphere or surface. The amount with which this occurs is called albedo. Enceladus has the highest albedo known, and is colder than Saturn, the planet it orbits.

Has latitude and longitude to do with temperature?

Latitude does influence temperature. The higher your latitude is, the cooler your climate. The inhabitants of our planet nearer to the equator feel more of the blazing sun than those in North and South Poles.

What is the planet temp of planet Saturn?

the temperature of planet saturn is -172C

How does the planet's gravity effect it?

I makes the planet spheical in shape.

What shape of a planet orbits discovered by Kepler?

The shape is an "ellipse".

Why do planets take on a spherical shape?

Every planet has a center of gravity, anda sphere is the mostgravitationally stable shape for a planet to have.