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To be brief, it's much larger than the Earth, yet much much smaller than the Sun.

Well first off, Saturn is a little tricky to measure because it is not completely spherical. Saturn, along with the rest of the Jovian planets, or Gas giants, is an oblate spheroid. What this means is that the planet is flattened at its poles and bulges out at the equator where its rings surround it. The polar circumference of Saturn is approximately 170,702 km, about 8.5 Earths. Its equatorial circumference is about 189,241 km, almost 9.5 earths. This compared to earth's mean circumference, about 40,000 km, makes earth pretty puny to Saturn. If Saturn were a Basketball, Earth would barely be the size of a small marble.Compare that to the sun's whopping circumference of 4,379,000 km, this would take about 72 Saturns lined up next to each other to make a ring around the sun. It would take 109 planet Earths to do the same!

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Q: How does the size of Saturn compare to the size of the Earth and the Sun?
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venus (in terms of distance from the sun). In terms of distance from the earth, it is Mars In terms of size, it is Saturn.