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Eukaryotes are usually much larger than prokaryotes

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Q: How does the size of a eukaryotic organism normally compare to the size of a prokaryotic organism?
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Do mitochondria and chloroplasts have ribosomes that are similar in size and structure to those of bacteria?

Yes, they do - this is one piece of evidence used to support the endosymbiotic theory. This states that Eukaryotic cells arose from Prokaryotic cells that engulfed other Prokaryotic cells. The DNA found in mitochondria and chloroplasts is similar in size and shape (circular) to that of bacteria.

How do you compare and contrast morphogenesis and histogenesis?

Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. Histogenesis is the formation of different issues from undifferentiated cells.

How can you compare a living organism and a machine?

The human body is on gigantic compound machine, meaning that it is comprised of many simple machines combined. The joints could be related to as the fulcrums of levers, and the teeth could be considered as wedges.

How do you find if its a fossil?

If the rock is sedimentary in origin and if it has a repeating organized pattern or resembles a shell or other organism that is alive today it may be a fossil. There are numerous books in stores or libraries with pictures of fossil organisms that you can compare with your finds.

How will you compare a dead organisms from something that was never alive?

A dead organism usually decays into bones due to the digestion of nutrients found in the organism by fungi, parasites etc. This is because the nutrients in the dead organism contain energy which are eventually released back into the environment. Dead organism has stopped to possess the characteristics of living organism: no more nutrition, no more respiration, no more reproduction neither stimulation nor excretionSomething that has never been alive means it is a non-living thing without any life and characteristics of living organism. Never alive is more referred to as a "thing" than an "organism". That "thing" will not decay if it is non-biodegradable. Even if it is biodegradable, it does not contain any energy in it that can be used up by microorganisms during decomposition or released to the environment.

Related questions

How does the size of a eukaryotic organism normally compare to te size of a prokaryotic organism?

While the sizes of bacteria and the sizes of eukaryotic ogranisms both vary. However, eukaryotic cells are usually about 10 times larger than prokaryotic cells/bacteria.

Compare the transformation of a prokaryotic cell with the transformation of a eukaryotic cell?

look in your biology book

Compare and contrast bacteria and protists?

Baceria is prokaryotic Protists are eukaryotic Protist have cytoskeleton Bacteria do not

Compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA during replication?

Prokaryotic DNA is reproduced with DNA Polymerases replication forks.

Compare the structure of a eukaryotic cell with that of a prokaryotic cell?

A eukaryotic plant would have a cell wall, plasma membrane, plasmodesmata, chloroplats, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, Golgi body etc. A nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic would have a nucleus. Prokaryotic is simple, one-celled. No chloroplasts, mitochondria etc.

Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

A eukaryote cell contains membrane bound organelles and also has a nucleus whereas prokaryote cells don't have a membrane bound organelles or a nucleus. Prokaryote cells are bacteria cells and either belong to the kingdom Archaebacteria or Eubacteria. Eukaryotes are animals, plants, fungi, and most protists.

How does the structure of chromosomes in prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells affect the DNA replication processes in a cell?

they don't compare lolz jk i have no idea

Compare the size of bacteria to eukaryotic microorganisms?

bacterial cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells

Compare and contrast prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic cells?

There are a LOT of difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell. However, there are some similarities too. Difference * For one, the eukaryotic is much larger in size compared to a prokaryotic cell. * Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells have only one organelle: the ribosomes. * Ribosomes look different in size and shape in prokaryotes than eukaryotes. * Eukaryotic has nucleus, the control center of the cell. This where the chromosomes (DNA) are stored in a double phospholipid membranes. The prokaryotic cell has, not a nucleus, but a space where the DNA is stored in a circular form called plasmids. * Prokaryotes are all unicellular. Eukaryotes, although most are multicellular, can be a unicellular organism. Similarities * They are both cells (a little obvious...) * Have cell membranes made of phospholipid chains with cholesterol and proteins crammed in between. * Both have ribosomes * Has DNA which controls how the organism acts, behaves, and looks.

How do eukaryotic compare in size to prokaryotes?

Prokarotes are single-celledbacterium and eukaryotes are plants, animals, and fungi. So eukaryotes are a whole lot larger than prokaryotes.

Compare and contrast the prokaryotic domains?

very cool

Compare between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell?

prokaryotic are cells without a nucleus and are located in the cytoplasm. eukaryotic are cells with nucleus. are located in the muticelluler organism. compare are that eukaryotics and prokaryotics are cells.