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It does not. Mass is independent of where an object is. Weight, however, will vary in direct proportion to the planet's gravity.

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Does the mass of a planet equal the size?

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The size of a planet's orbit is determined by?

The mass of the planet, the mass of the sun and the distance between the two.

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No. The planets vary greatly in both size and mass.

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Size does not but mass does.

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How does a planet's size affect its gravity?

The distance between a planet and an object affects the gravitational force between them. That means the size of a planet affects the value of the "surface gravity" for that planet. The greater thedistance from the surface to the center of the planet, the smaller the gravity at the surface (for the same planet mass). An example is the fact that Mars and Mercury have almost exactly the same surface gravity. Mars has more mass than Mercury, but this is balancedby the fact that Mercury hasthe smaller radius.

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No. The strength of gravity on a planet depends on its size and mass.

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