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Q: How does the size of food affect the rate of digestion?
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What type of digestion that pounds grinds and smashes food?

Grinding and smashing of food is called mechanical digestion as there is no change in the food but the size of the pieces.

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jane and madison rocks! it comes from your but-cheeks

What are the factors that affect a population's size size?

the factor are Death Rate Birth Rate Immigration

What factors influence population size?

The basic needs like food, shelter are some of the factors that affect the population's growth regardless of the size.

What is a density dependent factor?

The density dependent factor refers to the factors that affect the size or growth of a given population density. The factors also affect the mortality rate and the Birth Rate of a population. Some of the density dependent factors are disease, parasitism, availability of food and migration.

What can affect the human population size?

birth rate & death rate,fertility rate.

Are teeth chemical or mechanical digestion?

Salivary Glands performs Chemical Digestion

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Which affect on metabolic rate can be controlled?

muscle size

Does reducing the size of food particles aid the process of digestion?

u cant reduce the size of my nuts :P

How birth rate and death rate affect on population size?

The birth rate affects the size of population because of what its like. And the death rate is more than you can imagine.

What does the mouth do to aid in digestion?

It chew food in to small pieces and adds saliva for digestion. The process of digestion is to take large food particles and break them down into small food particles. Chewing mechanically reduces the size of the food particles. The saliva helps breaks down starch into sugar.