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Q: How does the slope of land affect the rate of deposition in a delta?
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What is forming a delta an example of?

forming a delta is an example of deposition. depositing sediment somewhere else to create new land.

What is a delta and how does it form?

A delta is a land form created at the mouth of the river by the gradual deposition of river born sediments. See also "alluvial fan."

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How does slope affect erosion and deposition?

A steep slope will experience accelerated erosion and a low level of deposition because water moves more rapidly on a steep slope than on a lesser slope. Rapidly moving water has more energy in it will exert a greater force on the slope causing particles to become carried away and for this reason the rate of erosion is higher and the rate of deposit is lower. On a lesser slope, the water moves more slowly and does not have as much energy to carry particles away. The lesser the slope, the slower the water moves, the less energy it has and the rate of deposit is higher.

Land formed by rivers's deposition od eroded soil and other materials is called?

delta is the answer peace out people

What is a delta and how is it formed?

A delta is a land form created at the mouth of the river by the gradual deposition of river born sediments. See also "alluvial fan."

How does deposition affect land form?

It slowly degrades shores and walls on the sea or rivers.

What are formed by the deposition of sediments carried by rivers?

A delta will be formed close to land, and an abyssal plain far from land.The abyssal plain is the true floor of the ocean, beyond the Continental Slope & Rise, not a river form, although it does collect some sediment from rivers.

What is a large stream of water that flows into a lake or ocean or other body of water?

A river delta, which are usually very lush environments, like the Nile River Delta in Egypt.

How does the slope of the land affect the amount of soil eroded?

The amount of soil erosion depends on length of the time quantity of land mass natural factors like wind temperature water and the hight difference of surround material. Slope is a major factor to affect this process more slope means much easier to drift the soil

What low watery land formed at the mouth of a river is?

The answer is delta

What do you call a deposit at the mouth of a river?

A deposit at the mouth of a river is called a delta. This land form is created because of the deposition of sediments carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth.