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Constant movement causes earthquakes because the techtonic plates glide together untill they hit rough spots. Then they collide harder and create earthquakes. Hope this was helpfull. Otherwise, contact Brian Raven at

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Q: How does the slow constant movement lead to earthquakes?
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Effects of slow earth movements?

An effect of the earth movements becoming slow is that the rotation of the earth will increase. The slow movement has also made the mountains rise and creating more earthquakes.

What slow processes cause changes in the earth's surface?

erosion is the most obvious. there are also earthquakes (the movement of tectonic plates) and you may not think of it as slow but volcanoes as well.

Why would slow continual movement lead geologists to give the section a low probabiltiy?

it tumbles

Are the earthquakes and volcanoes a quick or slow change?

Earthquakes are a very very very very slow and so are valconoes

Why would slow continual movement lead geologists to give a low probability for an earthquake?

flat grounds

IS the speed of the earth plates very slow?

the speed of the earths plates are very slow, and sometimes they don't move at all. if the earths plates were constantly moving (allot) then we would not be able to build cities because of constant earthquakes.

Is the speed of earth plates is very slow?

the speed of the earths plates are very slow, and sometimes they don't move at all. if the earths plates were constantly moving (allot) then we would not be able to build cities because of constant earthquakes.

Do the tectonic plates only move during earthquakes or volcanic eruptions or do they move all the time?

They move all the time. At plate boundaries there is some slow movement punctuated by more rapid movement during earthquakes. While most volcanic activity occurs along plate boundaries, the actual eruptive patterns are not directly related to the movement along the boundary.

What are two examples of slow mass movement?

What are two examples of slow mass movement? What are two examples of slow mass movement?

Is tectonic plates a slow or fast change?

Tectonic plates move very slowly, but earthquakes are quite sudden. So, there are elements of slow change and fast change. Continental drift is slow.

Why would slow continual movement lead geologists to give the section a low probability?

i dont know its the location maybe

What does slow mass movement mean?

something moves in a slow amount of movement or a small amount of substance that moves slow