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Q: How does the sound from a firework reach your ears?
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What waves reach our ears?

Sound (pressure) waves.

How does the sound of thunder reach you?

Energized air from the storm strikes your ears.

What must sound wave travel on to reach your ears?

sound waves travel through the air particles

What waves reach our ears on playing guitar?

Sound waves (which are pressure waves).

Do fireworks hurt dog's ears?

Yes it can. As loud as they are to our ears, it can be extrememly worse for our pets.

Does a firework start with light energy or sound energy?


What poetic sound devices are in firework by Katy perry?

Repetition of "oo" the sound "y" and the "ou" Repetition of "you're a firework" Rhyme "moon, boom" Metaphor "baby you're a firework" Simile "do you ever feel like a plastic bag?" Imagery

How long does it take for the sound of thunder from lightning bolt that was 2km away to reach your ears?

Very close to 5 seconds.

When sounds and their reflections reach your ears at different times?

When sounds and their reflections reach your ears at different times, it creates an echo. This delay between the original sound and its reflection is typically noticeable when there is a distance between the sound source and the reflecting surface. The brain processes this delayed information, allowing us to perceive the echo effect.

What happens to the sound waves after they travel a lot but not reach your ears?

they get dispersed and loose their momentum. that is the wave is no more able to vibrate the air..

What is the best description of impulse sound?

a lound noise such as a firework display

Why do you hear a sound when you clap?

The clap creates vibrations in the air that eventually reach our ears. A message is then sent to our brains, saying "a clap has occurred."