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As a rule the speed of sound increases with increasing density of the medium.

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Q: How does the speed of sound in air compare to the speed of sound in other materials?
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How does the speed of sound in air compare to the speed of sound in solid?

The speed of sound in a solid is faster than the speed of sound in air.

How does the speed of sound in steel compare with the speed of sound in air?

The speed of sound in steel is faster than the speed of sound in air.

How do the velocities of a sound wave and electromagnetic wave compare to each other?

In air at sea level, the speed of electromagnetic waves isroughly 882 thousand times the speed of sound.

What is the period of a sound wave whose wavelength is 17.0 m?

Divide the speed of sound by the wavelength, to get the frequency. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency. The speed of sound in air is about 343 meters/second, but it depends on temperature. The speed of sound in other materials is quite different from the speed of sound in air.

How do the speed of light and the speed of sound compare through air?

The speed of light through air at sea level is roughly881 thousand times the speed of sound.

Why sound travels in different speed in different materials?

because the speed is the tang ina

How fast is the sound barrier?

I guess you refer to the speed of sound. The speed of sound depends on the material sounds goes through, as well as temperature, pressure, humidity, among others. For example, the speed of sound in air is around 350 meters/second; in some other materials it can be several times as fast.

How did the Concorde speed compare with the speed of sound?

The Concorde flew at Mach 2. This means it flew two times more than the speed of sound. It was the fastest passenger aircraft ever built.

How do sound waves during a sonic boom compare with sound waves traveling at a slower speed?

wat does this even mean??

What is the speed of sound and how does it compare to the speed of Light?

The speed of sound at sea level is about 343 m/s .That's about 0.0001441 of the speed of light in vacuum.The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s.That's about 874 thousand times the speed of sound at sea level.

What are particle diagrams that show comparisons of the speed at which sound will move through materials?

what are particle that show comparasons of the speed at wich sound will move throught matirials ? what are particle that show comparasons of the speed at wich sound will move throught matirials ?

Compare the speed of light with the speed of sound at 0 degrees celsius?

The speed of light has nothing to do with the temperature of the vacuum. It is c = 299 792 458 meters per second. The speed of sound has much to do with the temperature of the air. At 0 degrees Celsius the speed of sound in dry air is c = 331.29 meters per second.