

How does the sperm get into the womb?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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Well, once the sperm enters the vagina, good ol' jesus sucks it up. Then, after the sperm is fertilized, he regurgitates the newly fertilized sperm into the womb. Miracles, how do they work?

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13y ago
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NO sperm has to enter vagina and travel into the womb and to fall0pian tube to enter egg and form zygote and drop to womb for growing. I wonder how sperm got into ear>>??

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the sperm will end up dying, in the womb or somewhere around where sperm goes.

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Where does the sperm enter the women?

From what I know, all the guys have to do is release the sperm inside a women and it goes into their womb.

What happens when a egg and sperm unite?

The sperm unites with the Ovum in the womb, to form a zygote, which is the beginning of the Embryo.

How does a fetus get to the womb?

the sperm finds a fertile egg and makes a baby

When a sperm hangs on the womb then let go is it the mans fault or the ladies for it to happen?

It's mens foult. Ofc its his sperm.

What happends with the egg and the sperm on its journy to the womb?

The sperm enters the egg cell.After nine months it will be a baby.But sometimes its just not successfull.

Journey into the womb?

The journey to the womb would be when the female and male had finished having sex then the sperm and egg fertilise and move to the room which the embryo then becomes a baby

What does sperm do to the baby in the womb?

Absolutely nothing. sperm is not ale to reach the baby in the womb because it is totally protected in a protective sack that stop any interaction between the outside world, aside from what pases from the mother to the baby through the umbilical chord.

What animal has Sperm and eggs outside the body?

animals which eggs fertilized outside the mothers womb