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If the head of the neck is fixed, then it is possible for the muscles to raise the clavicle and manubrium sterni, and hence the ribs, so that they act as accessory muscles of respiration.

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Q: How does the sternomastoid muscle help with breathing?
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What muscle of the human body is homologous to the sternomastoid muscle of the cat?

The sternocleidomastoid in the human is homologous to the sternomastoid muscle of the cat.

What is the sternomastoid muscle?

The sternomastoid, also known as the sternocleidomastoid, is a muscle located in the neck. There are two of them in the human neck and it is one of the largest cervical muscles in the body.

Where is the sternomastoid muscle located in cats?

Sternomastoid (cat) corresponds to the medial portion of the sternocleidomastoid (human).origin: manubrium and median raphe.insertion: lateral half of lambdoidal ridge and mastoid portion of temporal bone as far as the mastoid process.The sternomastoid muscle defines the anterior triangle of the neck. In humans it is the thick strap like muscle that turns the head to the left or right.

Is sternocleidomastoid in cats and humans?

Humans have a sternocleidomastoid muscle, but cats do not. In a cat, the sternomastoid muscle defines the anterior triangle of the neck.

What muscle help in the breathing process?


Would neck pain cause wavey floaters in the eyes?

Yes. The main cause is sternomastoid muscle.

How many sternomastoid muscles are in the human body?

There are two sternomastoid muscles in the human body. The sternomastoid is also known as the sternocleidomastoid.

Is sternocleidomastoid muscle superior or inferior to the rectus abdominis muscle?

Sternomastoid, lying in the neck, is well superior to rectus abdominis which lies in the anterior abdominal wall.

The sternocleidomastoid muscle superior or inferior to the rectus abdominis muscle?

Sternomastoid, lying in the neck, is well superior to rectus abdominis which lies in the anterior abdominal wall.

Is the sternocleidomastoid muscle siperior or inferior to the rectus abdominis muscle?

Sternomastoid, lying in the neck, is well superior to rectus abdominis which lies in the anterior abdominal wall.

What is a muscle that is associated with breathing?

The diaphragm. It is the only muscle that causes breathing.

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