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A submarine submerges by adjusting its ballast tanks to let in water, making it heavier than the water it displaces, causing it to sink. To resurface, the submarine pumps air into its ballast tanks, displacing the water and causing it to rise to the surface.

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Q: How does the submarime submerge and re-emerge?
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When were submersibles invented?

The first successful submersible was built in 1620 by Dutch engineer Cornelius Drebbel. It was a wooden vessel propelled by oars and could submerge up to 15 feet underwater.

How deep can a monsoon flood reach?

Monsoon floods can reach depths of several meters, depending on the intensity of the rainfall and the topography of the area. In extreme cases, monsoon floods have been known to submerge entire towns and cities.

What are the countries that will be submerge in water?

Countries that are at risk of being submerged due to rising sea levels include small island nations such as the Maldives, Tuvalu, and Kiribati. In addition, low-lying coastal countries like Bangladesh and the Netherlands are also vulnerable to flooding and land loss. These countries face significant challenges in adapting to climate change and mitigating its impact on their populations.

What would happen to the worlds coral reef if the sea level were suddenly to rise by 100 m?

A rise in sea level by 100 meters would likely submerge most, if not all, of the world's coral reefs. Coral reefs require specific environmental conditions to survive, and a rapid increase in sea level of this magnitude would lead to their drowning and death.

What caused disappearance of the land bridges?

The disappearance of land bridges was primarily caused by rising sea levels during interglacial periods, such as the end of the last ice age. As temperatures increased, glaciers melted, causing the sea levels to rise and submerge the land bridges that once connected continents. Additionally, tectonic activity and shifting landmasses may have played a role in the disappearance of some land bridges.

Related questions

How did malaria reemerge?

Baby jebus

What part of speech is the word submerge?

submerge is a verb. example: the submarine is about to submerge

How does a submarime work?

it's spelt is buoyant due to the ratio of air to mass. it "works" by a pretty standard boat engine.

What is a good sentence using submerge in it?

Submerge those dishes in the soapy water, please. I was watching the submarine slowly submerge.

What is a sentence of submerge?

I was temporarily frozen in horror as my boat began to submerge.

What is the root word for submerge?

The root word for submerge is "merge," which means to combine or blend. The prefix "sub-" means under or beneath, so submerge means to put something below the surface of water or liquid.

What word beginning with sub means to sink in level?

Submerge Subside Subsidence

What happens when a video game is cancelled?

It basically means that that game won't come out. But it can reemerge and come out.

What are the ratings and certificates for Submerge - 2013?

Submerge - 2013 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+ (2014)

Use the word submerge in a sentence?

The submarine had orders to submerge three miles from the enemy coast.

Why did the Klu Klux Klan suddenly reemerge as a powerful interest?

the violent acts kept people in suspense

What word is on the same page that starts with the word reduction and ends with the word resolute?

The correct awnser is Reemerge.