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up to 12-15 inches

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Q: How deep can a monsoon flood reach?
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Is there a natural disaster that starts with m?

monsoon flood, mudslide

Does brahmaputra flood frequently?

Yes it floods annually in the monsoon season which is around september.

When did the flood occur in Bangladesh?

It occurs during the monsoon season from June until September in1998

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Which was a major source of water for indus civilizationns?

A. Monsoon Rains B. Deep Wells C. The Arabian Sea

What would be a result of a monsoon?

some things might be destroyed . it is another word for flood caused by rain.

Why would the people of ancient India build their houses on plateaus?

because of the monsoon flood and the plateau is high

Why did Bangladesh flood 2004?

because the country is flat and on a delta and there is a monsoon every year (heavy rain)

What are the similarities between UK flood and Pakistan flood?

the uk floods were caused by heavy rain and the river banks burst and the pakistan floods were caused by monsoon rain

How deep was the Austrailan flood?

I thimk it was about 2-3 meters deep.

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How do you get the flood in halo reach?

You can't.