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It does Not effect on the operation of a condensing unit

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Q: How does the sunshine affect the operation of a condensing unit?
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Can you leave your skylights open with air conditioner on?

If you want the AC unit to run constantly and never reach it's set point. Yes; However, I would close the skylights when the AC is in operation

What is the measuring for sunshine?

Measuring sunshine is essentially measuring the amount of solar radiation that is received at a given location. This is usually measured in terms of hours of sunshine which is the amount of time in a day when the sun is visible in the sky. This can be broken down further into direct sunshine which is the amount of time when the sun is directly visible and diffuse sunshine which is the amount of time when the sun is partially visible due to clouds or other atmospheric effects. The most common way to measure sunshine is with a sunshine recorder which is an instrument that records the amount of solar radiation that reaches the instrument. These are often placed in open unobstructed areas that get full exposure to the sun. Other instruments such as pyranometers and pyrheliometers measure the total amount of solar radiation in a given area. Sunshine can also be measured in terms of its intensity. This is usually measured by the amount of light energy (measured in W/m2) that reaches the surface of the earth. This is usually measured with a lux meter which measures the light intensity at a given location.

Which of the is not a unit of time leap year or light year?

A light-year is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.

What is the unit of mass in space?

The unit of mass that is used in space is the same unit of mass that is used on Earth. you can use Kg, g, pounds, tones...

Who names their daughter moon unit?

Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit. 'Unit' is her middle name, the name she goes by is Moon Zappa.