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it gets hotter

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Q: How does the temperature increase on a thermometer?
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Why does a mercury-in-glass laboratory thermometer have a narrow capillary bore?

To increase the sensitivity of the thermometer, that is, for the thermometer to respond quickly to small changes in temperature.

What happen to the thermometer reading when the temperature increase?

When temperature increases so the reading shown also increases.

What happens if you place a thermometer in any wavelength of visible spectrum?

Depending on the intensity of the light the thermometer should indicate an increase in temperature.

Why does alcohol in a thermometer rise?

Alcohol in a thermometer rises whenever the temperature of its surrounding increases. As the temperature increases, the heat causes the alcohol to expand ever so slightly, which shows up as an increase of height of the alcohol in the tube of the thermometer.

Why does liquid inside a thermometer rise as the temperature s increase?

Most materials expand with the temperature increases. In this case, the liquid in the thermometer expands faster than the glass that holds it.

How can you measure a body temperature?

What kind of thermometer you use to measure the body temperature

What is the processes by which the liquid in a thermometer or sections of a sidewalk increase in volume at a higher temperature?

thermal expantion

Why does temperature in a thermometer go up faster when shaken?

because the more an object moves the higher the energy is making the temperature increase as well

What measures a temperature?

A temperature probe is a digital thermometer.

What is a fever thermometer?

a fever thermometer, is a thermometer that you can use to check your body temperature.

Ho does a thermometer measure temperature?

A thermometer measures temperature by using the liquid inside of the thermometer. It measures temperature by Celsius and Fahrenheit.

What is the process by which the liquid in a thermometer or section of a sidewalk increase volume at a higher temperature?

thermal expantion