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The General Theory of Evolution posits that change occurs not only 'within' a species, but also 'across' species. In this way, change is actually unlimited in the sense that, given the right circumstances and given the right environmental pressures, any form of biological life could eventually be pushed from one species to another. A lizard could be pushed into the form of a bird; a whale could be pushed into the form of a wolf. So, as we take a look at the General Theory of Evolution (AKA Macroevolution)

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Q: How does the theory of evolution explain variety within species?
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When did Darwin explain his theory of evolution?

November 24, 1859. The day his book "On the Origin of Species" was released.

How does theory of evolution explain variety within species?

The General Theory of Evolution posits that change occurs not only 'within' a species, but also 'across' species. In this way, change is actually unlimited in the sense that, given the right circumstances and given the right environmental pressures, any form of biological life could eventually be pushed from one species to another. A lizard could be pushed into the form of a bird; a whale could be pushed into the form of a wolf. So, as we take a look at the General Theory of Evolution (AKA Macroevolution)

Are there other theories that explain the same event as evolution theory?

No, there are no other theories but the theory of evolution by natural selection that explain so much about evolution.

What did Darwin's theory of biological evolution explain?

It explains the species problem; how the rich unity and diversity of life evolved on the earth.

What was Charles Darwin contribution in the field of biology?

Charles Darwin's contribution to the field of biology was the theory of evolution due to natural selection. This attempts to explain how species adapt to their environments, sometimes leading to the development of new species.

What are the definitions of Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that species change over time through natural selection, where individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This leads to the gradual accumulation of adaptations that increase the organism's fitness for its environment, ultimately resulting in the diversity of life we see today.

Who created the modern theory of evolution?

There are several theories to explain evolution, though evolution itself is not a theory. Perhaps the best known is Darwin's theory through natural selection.

How does anatomy explain evolution?

It doesn't. Evolution is explained by population genetics, evolutionary theory.

A theory about how species can change over time?


Who made the theory of evolution?

The popular view is that Charles Darwin originated the Theory of Evolution. In fact, he was the first to explain in detail just how evolution of species occurs.One of the early pioneers of evolutionary theory is Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, who suspected as early as 1795 that what we call species are various degenerations of the same type. There were probably other pioneers even before 1795, and certainly there were several working on the concept well before Darwin published his The Origin of Species.

True or false the theory of evolution focuses on the evolution of the human species?

False. Evolution is a general theory relating to the change amongst species over time. It is not specific to any particular species, nor even to a group of species, but to all species that have ever existed, are existing and will ever exist.

Why did Charles Darwin started the theiry of evolution?

To explain the species problem, " that mystery of mysteries " which was the natural history problem of the day. From his observations and experiments Darwin proposed his theory of evolution by natural selection, which provided a mechanism for the observed fact of evolution.