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Q: How does the time required for a catalase soaked filter paper disk to float reflect the amount of catalase activity in the solution?
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The dream might merely reflect the dreamer's daily activity, or the dreamer's inner sense that such activity is needed.

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The metals highest on the list are the least stable.

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The metals highest on the list are the least stable.

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yes it does. Presence of H+ or H3O+ makes a solution more acidic, while the presence of OH- makes a solution less acidic or more basic

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If it absorbs all wavelengths then, by definition, it does not reflect any of the incident light. If it reflects all the incident light, then non is absorbed. The solution could also absorb some and reflect some (with different wavelengths).

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Does the suns energy reflect back into space?

Yes. Indeed one proposed solution for the global warming suffered by our planet is to increase the amount of energy reflected back into space by increasing our own oceans ability to reflect it.