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Q: How does the unit of time enter twice in the unit of acceleration?
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Why does a unit of time enter a unit or acceleration twice?

Acceleration is defined as a change of velocity divided by a time. Since the units for velocity are distance / time, you naturally get units of (distance / time) / time.

Why does the unit of time enter twice in the unit accereration?

It should be noted that an acceleration is not a velocity. Velocity is defined as distance per unit rate; thus, it has dimensions of length/time. Acceleration is defined as change of velocity per unit rate; thus, its dimensions are velocity / time, i.e., (length/time) / time.

Why does the unit of time appear twice in the definition of acceleration?

Once for the unit of velocity and again for the interval of time in which the velocity is changing.

What is the difference between volicity and accleration?

Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).

What is the difference between and accleration?

Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).Acceleration is a change of velocity (per time unit).

Measurements of acceleration are given in units of what?

Acceleration is the rate of change of the function of velocity per unit time. This means that the unit of acceleration is distance per unit time squared.

What are the units for speed and acceleration?

Speed . . . Any unit of length or distance/any unit of time Acceleration . . . Any unit of speed/any unit of time

Why the time twice in unit acceleration?

An acceleration is not a velocity - it is the rate of change of velocity. In SI units, the units of velocity are meters/second. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, per unit time - how fast the velocity changes. Therefore, its units are velocity / time. In SI units, this gives you (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.

Measurements of acceleration are given in units of?

(any unit of length or distance) divided by (any unit of time)2 is a unit of acceleration.

What unit do you use to express free-fall acceleration?

the unit of acceleration is unit length per squared unit time, usually m/s2.

What units express acceleration?

(any unit of speed) / (any unit of time)OR(any unit of length or distance) / (any unit of time, squared)is a perfectly appropriate unit of acceleration.If you're dealing with acceleration as a vector, then a direction also needs to go with it.

Why is the unit of time squared in measuring acceleration?

Time square by itself doesn't seem to make much sense, right?You must consider that acceleration is NOT the same thing as velocity. Velocity (and speed) is expressed (for example) in meter/second. An acceleration is a change of velocity per time unit, so logically the units are (meters/second) / second. This is the same as meters/second2, and that is the way it is usually written.AnswerAcceleration is the rate of change of velocity. In other words, it is velocity divided by time. As velocity (in SI) is expressed in metres per second, acceleration must be measured in 'metres per second per second'. In fact, this is the correct way of saying the unit of measurement for acceleration, NOT 'metre per second squared'. The symbol for metres per second per second is 'm/s/s' which, of course, is exactly the same as m/s2 (where 2 is a superscript).