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Your spine is an elaborate unit structurally consisting of 33 vertebrae, 24 movable and 9 fused, and 23 intervertebral discs. In between each of the 24 movable vertebrae, except between C1/C2 (atlas and axis), discs are situated. These discs allow for the mobility, curvature, and shock absorption qualities of the spine. The vertebrae themselves are the main structures that protect the spinal cord via the posterior arch, consisting of pedicles and laminae. Therefore, the vertebrae protect the integrity of the spinal cord, but the discs are the structures responsible for the motion of the spine.

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12y ago

With the vertebrae it is a bone that inbetween each vertebrae is a small gap to allow movement. The vertebrae's are connected in a way you would have to search yourself or ask a chiropractor, natropthy or anyone that knows or studies the spine.

Meghan Rooney. 9b, 14years of age.

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Q: How does the vertebrae protect the spinal cord also allow for movement?
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What does the vertebral column do?

The vertebrae (plural of vertebra) are the bones of the neck and back, also known as the backbone. They surround the spine of any animal that has one, including a human. The spinal column is made up of many vertebrae that allow flexibility in the back and protect the spinal cord from external damage. The function of the spinal column is to protect the soft spinal cord and to support the head upright. In humans, there are 26 total vertebrae : Cervical vertebrae: 7 Thoracic vertebrae: 12 Lumbar vertebrae: 5 Sacrum (fusion of five sacral vertebrae): 1 Coccyx (fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae, aka caudal vertebrae): 1

Why is the vertebrae small and the same size?

small to allow movement

What vertebre controls the arms?

Vertebrae are bones in the spine that contain the spinal cord and allow for spinal nerves to exit. ? Being bones, vertebrae do not control the arms.The spinal nerve roots ?that come out of the vertebrae do however control many aspects of function, including: muscle movement, sensation, blood vessel tone, and your hair standing on end.The spinal levels that control the arms are C5-T1. ?There may be a little T2 in there for sensation, and there may be a little C4 in there for shoulder muscles; but the answer is generally accepted to be C5-T1.

What does the cervical vertebrae allow us to do?

The allow for the movement of the head, particular flexion, extension, and lateral rotation.

What the vertabra is?

The first vertebrae is called The Atlas.The second is the Axis, which allows the neck/head to pivot(turn).

What anatomical characteristics prevent spinal cord injury as one severely bends his back in any direction?

The spinal column is a bony encasement made of movable discs, which protect the spinal cord but allow for movement. If the spine is bent too sharply the spinal column or spinal cord can be injured.

What does a neck joint do?

Cervical vertebrae articulate at tiny facets that don't allow for much movement but when combined with all the vertebrae in conjunction you get a range of movements from rotation to flexion to circumduction.

What organs does the vertebral column protect?

The spinal cord carries all the nervous impulses from/to the brain to/from the body below the neck. This means that any damage to the cord can have very serious consequences, which vary depending on the level at which damage occurs: for example, a lesion in the lower, sacral, portion may cause paralysis in the legs, whilst a higher cervical lesion can be fatal.The vertebrae protect the spinal cord from mechanical injury by providing a 'shell' through which it travels; they maintain a straight line so that the cord cannot be bent or twisted; and they provide points of attachment for some muscles to allow certain movements. Having separate vertebrae means that some movement is possible, eg. bending over, but provides enough restriction to prevent damage.

What is the purpose of the intervertebral disk?

To make our backbones more flexible. In other words, to allow various movement. Besides, these discs can absorb shock to prevent our backbone from damaged.

Is bacteria a vertebrae?

No, bacteria are not vertebrates. Bacteria are a class of micro-organism, and as such, cannot be classed as vertebrates. Vertebrates are living organisms which have a "backbone", i.e a series of vertebrae which support their body structure and allow movement. The name"vertebrates" comes from the presence of these "vertebrae".

Where is the lumbar vertebrae in the human body?

The lumbar vertebrae are located in the lower back region of the human spine, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. There are five lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) that support the weight of the upper body and allow for bending and twisting movements of the trunk.

Joints protect the bone and what else?

Joints are there to allow movement of the bodies skeleton framework.