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iqbal izikamu waytree

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Q: How does the wavelength of the wave affect the amount of diffraction?
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What two things that can affect the amount of diffraction of a wave?

Diffraction of a wave depends on wave and speed

The amount of diffraction that occurs when a sound wave encounters a barrier depends on the waves?

diffraction wavelength

How does the wavelength of a sound wave affects the diffraction of the sound wave through an open window?

The wavelength of a sound wave affects the diffraction of a sound wave through an open window because the wavelength can determine how fast the diffraction is moving; therfore, causing the sound to be either lower or higher.I think :)

How does the amount energy affect the size of the wavelength?

Energy does not effect WAVELENGTH, it effects the AMPLITUDE of the Wave.

What is diffraction and how does it relate to the behavior of light as a wave?

Diffraction means bending. Okay. Bending of what? Bending of waves. Waves may be sound wave, or waves on the surface of water and even light wave. Bending at? Bending at the sharp edges of the obstacle on the way of movement of the wave. If suppose light is not a wave then diffraction phenomenon may not be possible. The very diffraction phenomenon establishes once again that light is a wave.

As the wavelength decreases what happens to wave diffraction?

As wavelength decreases the wave diffraction will decrease, so the curve formed will be less noticeable. The sharpness of the diffraction will decrease that you can see will lessen.

What do you call the bending of a wave around the edge of a barrier?

Diffraction, more diffraction if wavelength is increased (or frequency decreased)

What occurs when a wave encounters an object or opening that is close in size to its wavelength?

The answer is Diffraction

What occurs when wave encounters an object or opening that is close in size to its wavelength?

The answer is Diffraction

How does the length of a light wave affect the amount of energy it contains?

YES. The amount of energy of any wave varies with the wave length of the wave. The longer the wavelength the lower the frequency of the wave,

Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

No, the amplitude of a wave does not affect the wavelength or wave speed. The wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave, while the wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling. Amplitude simply represents the maximum displacement of particles in the wave.

What is a sound wave bending around a corner?
