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That depends on the situation. But more massive and heavy objects are typically more difficult to move around quickly.

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Q: How does the weight of an object affect the speed?
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Does the weight of an object affect the falling speed?

f =V x m x a

Does the mass affect the speed of an object?

It has no direct affect on the speed of an object. It does affect the energy content of the speeding object.

How does mass affect the speed of an object?

It has no direct affect on the speed of an object. It does affect the energy content of the speeding object.

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No. The speed of the object does not affect the amount of friction between an object and the surface. Friction is affected by the types of surfaces in contact, smoother surfaces produce less friction, and the weight of the object moving horizontally affects the resistance relative to the two surfaces in contact. Greater weight causes greater resistance.

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Circular motion would change the direction of an object but would not affect the object's speed.

Does weight affect speed?

It depends... the object could be falling, going straight, going uphill or going downhill.

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Is there a maximum speed of a free falling object?

yes, and the speed depends on the weight of the object

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Yes, when the object is submerged in water then water exerts opposite buoyonci force which decrease the weight of object.

How does gravity affect the object's mass and weight?

Gravity affects weight, it does not affect mass.

Does freezing affect the weight of an object?

No it does not, but it might affect the volume of the object (it might shrink or expand).

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