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Q: How does the wetland help the crayfish?
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Crayfish have swimmerets on the abdomen.

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Uropods help the crayfish to accomplish the life process, movement. They also help steer the crayfish into the correct direction.

When a water pipe pours water into a wetland how will the wetland help conserve water?

i think the wetland will absorb the water being poured and it will get collected as groundwater ..

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How is the crayfish adapted for life in water?

Crayfish have developed eyes on short stems that help them see their environment. They have adapted to blend in with their surroundings and have pincers to help them defend themselves.

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Because they're meant for living underwater

98 percent of crayfish around the world is found in what state?

he is a site that may help you found what you are looking for

What are somethings that middle school students can do to help protect wetland areas?

we are doing homework and this is question

Does duckweed help wetlands?

it doesn't really do anything YOU WILL THINK but it does all plants help the wetland by doing something so the answer is yes

What are some things that middle school students can do to help protect wetland areas?

we are trying to find this question. can somebody help us.

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They use their shells

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