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In the story of the prodigal son , the son was looking after swine and ate with them Please note he was a Jew , and for a Jew this was unclean . The boy did not just repent , he got up and went home to the father and aid that he had sinned before god and man and was not worthy to be his son.

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What did God do? He ran to meet his lost son. He had been watching and when the son was a long way off - he ran. The father in the parable is a 'picture' of God.

How the Father is longing for all the lost sons to come back to him. He doesnt want a prepared speech about being worthless - He just wants to show His vast love and forgiveness, and then clothes the son and feasts with him. Wonderful.

Another interpretation of the parable is the father represents God, the oldest son represents the Pharisees (see context of when the parable was told), the youngest son represents the nation of Israel (Jesus came to call Israel to repentance).

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The son shows sorrow for what he had done by asking his father to become a servant. He shows that he realizes that he doesn't deserve to be a son or part of the family... he just wants to be a servant. He doesn't overtly ask for forgiveness, but in returning to his father, he shows in a way that he wants it. That he acknowledges his father's authority and goodness. The father shows that he forgives his son by refusing to allow him to be a servant, and welcoming him back as a son, with a feast.

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Q: How does the younger son in the story of the parable of the prodigal son show the following sorrow for what he had done how did he ask for forgiveness how does the father show that he forgave his son?
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