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wel;l it gives us heat

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Q: How does thermal energy help us survive?
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Related questions

How does the energy we get from the sun help us to survive?

The energy from the sun helps us survive by its sunlight helping us grow different types of foods

How does thermal energy relate to us?

help us go to sleep and eat and like other people

What do therodynamics apply to?

Everything, all matter within existence is subject to the transfer of thermal energy. Thermodynamics help us to understand how matter will behave when undergoing a change in thermal energy.

How does solar energy help your earth?

by helping plants grow to let us survive

How does the kelvin scale help us?

Kelvin scale is absolute scale. It is found that the actually the zero K is the temperature where body has absolutely have no thermal vibration. Hence the temperature in kelvin scale help us the calculate the correct parameter related to the thermal energy.

What energy helps us walk thermal or mechanical?

Mechanical energy helps us walk.

What are the main uses for thermal energy?

Thermal energy is used to keep us warm. An example of a use of thermal energy is a radiator. This is because a radiator is used to warm a room and keep people warm.

How much thermal energy is being used in the US?


How does thermal energy give us heat?

it gives us energy beacause the energy come directly from the sun which comes towards the earth.

Where is solar energy found in the US?

Solar energy is found in the sun and converted to either thermal or electrical energy

How does blinking help us survive?

It keeps the eyes moist which keeps them healthy which lets us see properly which can help us survive.

How much solar thermal energy is used in the US and the world?

alot is used