

How does traceroute work?

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11y ago

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There are multiple versions of traceroute but generally it uses time to live (ttl). Send a pa let with a ttl of 1 and the next router will send back an error message with its IP address. Then send one with a ttl of 2 and the second router sends an error message with its address. Keep increasing the ttl and you end up with the addresses of all routers in the path.

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The ping command. Traceroute is also useful, but I would start by using the ping command.The ping command. Traceroute is also useful, but I would start by using the ping command.The ping command. Traceroute is also useful, but I would start by using the ping command.The ping command. Traceroute is also useful, but I would start by using the ping command.

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Traceroute is a utility that can track the path between two computers by displaying the route that network packets take from the source to the destination. It provides information about each hop the packets make along the way, showing the IP address and response time of each node.

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It was developed by Van Jacobson, an American computer scientist

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Using the -m ttl switch of traceroute will limit the number of hops. The default is 30

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