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It is made into tires and used for most vehicles and other tranportational things.

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Q: How does treated rubber benefit transportation?
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Why is treated rubber more desirable?

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Why is rubber treated?

In order to improve its elastic properties

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Rubber Mallet

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Quick transportation in the early days.

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It help people and goods have a cheaper transportation

How does treated rubber have different properties then untreated rubber?

it works better because it can be more flexible and moves around easier

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Settling by a river provides access to water for drinking, agriculture, and transportation. It also offers a natural barrier for protection against enemies. Additionally, rivers can support trade and economic activities.

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It means that the producers are treated better, they get proper working conditions, good pay and treated as equals.

How did public transportation benefit cities in the late 1800's?

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When could people be treated like slaves?

People could be treated as slaved if they are abducted by someone, or are in an area where they work solely for the benefit of someone else. people SHOULD NEVER be treated like slaves.

Things that the covered wagon did not have that later forms of transportation did have?

An internal combustion engine, rubber tires, speed control, brakes