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Q: How does variations form the basis of evolution?
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Why variations are important in human life?

Variations are the basis of evolution, but variations within a population create diversity, which is useful to slow disease and allow natural selection to occur.

What is the basis for evolution?

Evolution is stupid. it isnt accurate.

Why are mutations are important for evolution?

Mutations serve up the variations in organisms to natural selection. The reproductively successful variations pass on these successful traits to progeny and allele frequencies change because of this and this is evolution.

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What are the key concepts that form the basis of Darwin's Theory of Evolution?

1. There must be variation. 2. There must be inheritance. 3. There must be selection.

What is basis for evolution by natural selection?

The basis for all science, be it evolution or the study of how squeaky noises annoy people, is evidence. Darwin's primary evidence for evolution by natural selection was morphological homology; physical similarities between species. Modern evidence for evolution by natural selection is vast and includes a rich fossil record, well understood geologic evidence, radioisotopic evidence, as well as a host of genetic evidence from protein homologies to complex molecular systematics. All evidence for evolution converges on the singular observation that all organisms can be organized in a nested hierarchy much like a family tree; a Tree of Life.

What are the plant and animal variations?

The phenotypic variations in plants and animals governed by different genes result from sexual reproduction and are source of evolution.

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What determines which variations are selected for or against?

The ability of those variations to survive and be reproductively successful against other variations in the immediate selective environment. The coin evolution pays in is reproductive success.

Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis in the process of evolution within species?

Meiosis takes place in sexual reproduction and genetic variations takes place in sexual reproduction. Genetic variations lead to evolution to new species.

How do variations occur?

During evolution, chromosomal cariation in structure cannot occur due to