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Being a vegetarian can affect your body in all kinds of positive ways. American culture eats way too much food, and mainly too much meat. It has been proven that our bodies (with its coiled and long intestines) were not created to metabolize meat. Sometimes it can sit in your digestive track for days before the body can break it down. Imagine meat sitting out on the counter for three days in 98 degree weather and that is how it sits in your intestines. The meat industry would have you think that if you become vegetarian that you will be deprived of protein and mal-nutritioned. This is simply not the case. Protein is found in lots of vegetables and grains. I believe the healthiest diet is vegan. If you are too nervous to go directly to vegan, try being vegetarian first, or even just cutting back on your consumption of animal flesh is proven to improve your health.

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"It is the position of The American Dietetic Association (ADA) that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."

"Studies indicate that vegetarians often have lower morbidity and mortality rates from several chronic degenerative diseases than do non-vegetarians. Although non-dietary factors, including physical activity and abstinence from smoking and alcohol, may play a role, diet is clearly a contributing factor."

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Would you consider becoming a vegetarian why or why not?

People choose to be vegetarian for a variety of reasons including religious beliefs, personal morals, animal rights, health, allergies/intolerances, or with influences from family and friends.

Where can someone find recipes for vegetarian cookery?

Vegetarian meals are becoming more popular these days with health savvy individuals looking for an alternative to meaty dishes. Many bookstores as well as cooking sites offer plenty of recipes for vegetarian cooking styles.

Are vegetarian's people who care for animal and want to protect them?

This depends on the persons reason for becoming a vegetarian. If it is because their doctor recommends it, then they are probably only doing it for their health. I, personally, am a vegetarian, and I decided to be one because I do not believe that it is kind, or right, to slaughter animals for our own personal gain.

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Where can I learn more about vegetarian foods?

There are many places to learn about vegetarian foods and the health benefits of becomming a vegetarian. There are web sites to look for this information as well as health and wellness journals and magazines.

Non vegetarian food is good for health or not?

Yes, non-vegetarian foods (meats) can be good.

How many times has the vegetarian Mr Universe Bill Pearl won the Mr Universe title?

Since becoming a vegetarian - once.

Is a meat diet dangerous?

No. Its Like Becoming A Vegetarian. Its Actually Healthy For Your Body!

Why did people start becoming vegetarian?

Because they believed animals did not deserve to get harmed.

What is a health impact?

An health impact is a change in health due to a medication, condition, activity, or process.

What current issues have an impact on health care?

Well if your stressed out then it has an impact on your health.

How can you prevent your spouse from turning into a vegetarian?

It's really hard, if not impossible, to change someone else's behaviors (just like I couldn't get my former partner to stop drinking). Just like it's really hard to convert someone's religion. Your spouse may be improving his/her health by becoming a vegetarian (vegetarians live longer) so I would suggest accepting his/her behavior and try eating some vegetarian food! You may improve your own health, too (but I doubt I can prevent you from eating meat...)!