



Exploring the world of those who choose to eat no meat -- whether for concerns about their health, or for ethical/religious/environmental reasons. Find out about the various kinds of vegetarian, and follow the debate on the pros and cons of eating fish, chicken, and eggs.

1,390 Questions

What are the ecological reasons that people become vegetarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

People become vegetarians for various ecological reasons, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with meat production, minimizing water and land use for agriculture, and decreasing deforestation for livestock farming. Adopting a plant-based diet can help lower one's ecological footprint and support sustainable food systems.

How do vegetarians combine two or more protein sources that provide all the essential amino acids?

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Asked by Worgen

Vegetarians can combine two or more protein sources such as beans and rice, or tofu and quinoa, to ensure they are getting all the essential amino acids. By varying their protein sources throughout the day, vegetarians can meet their dietary needs for amino acids. It's important to include a variety of plant-based proteins in meals to ensure a well-rounded amino acid profile.

Is a vegetarian a herbivore?

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A leaf is not a herbivore.

A leaf is a source of food for a herbivore, not a herbivore in itself!

Although certain plants have been known to eat other plants, making them herbivorous plants.

What has protein?

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Protein consists of small molecules called amino acids, joined together into long molecules called polypeptides. Each polypeptide has a very specific sequence of amino acids. Depending on the sequence, the molecule folds into a specific shape, sometimes involving other molecules, with a certain distribution of electric charge on its surface. In short, the physical and chemical properties of a protein can be controlled by varying the sequence of amino acids.

Are peanuts meat?

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No peanuts are not meat, all meat comes from animals.
Yes, it comes from a very rare and elusive creature. The peanut butter that you find in supermarkets is just a substitute and the real peanut butter can be found in remote parts of Asia, but because it comes from a rare animal its very expensive and people may try to sell you peanut butter substitute just to get money. The common food that we call peanuts are only rumored to be used for peanut butter, but it is actually impossible for it to be used for anything other that a solid food.

Which health problems are associated with high protein intake?

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Asked by Wiki User

High protein intake is associated with potential health problems such as kidney damage in individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions, increased risk of heart disease due to high intake of saturated fats from animal-based protein sources, and digestive issues such as constipation and nutrient deficiencies if not balanced with adequate fiber and other nutrients. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your protein intake.

Do vegetarians have a sharper sense of taste than carnivores do?

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There is no scientific evidence that suggests vegetarians have a sharper sense of taste than carnivores. Taste perception can vary between individuals regardless of their dietary habits. Factors like genetics, age, and overall health can influence taste sensitivity.

Why do people promote vegetarianism as a possible answer to produce enough food?

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People promote vegetarianism as a way to address food scarcity because plant-based diets require fewer resources, such as land and water, to produce food compared to raising livestock. By reducing the demand for animal products, we can use resources more efficiently to produce enough food for a growing global population.

Why can a given area of land support more vegetarian humans than omnivorous humans?

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A given area of land can support more vegetarian humans because growing plant-based foods requires less land, water, and resources compared to raising animals for meat. Plant-based diets are more efficient in converting resources into food, allowing for more people to be fed sustainably on the same amount of land.

Are vegetarians herbivores?

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No, vegetarians are not herbivores. Herbivores are animals that primarily consume plant-based diets, while vegetarians are humans who choose to avoid consuming animal products for various reasons. Herbivores have specialized digestive systems to break down plant matter, while vegetarians rely on a variety of plant-based foods to meet their nutritional needs.

Are vegetarians healthier than meat eaters?

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It depends on the individual's overall diet and lifestyle choices. A well-balanced vegetarian diet can be just as healthy as a well-balanced omnivorous diet. It's important to make sure that essential nutrients are included in the vegetarian diet through sources like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and plant-based protein.

Is alcohol vegetarian?

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Yes, alcohol is typically considered vegetarian as it is made from plant-based ingredients such as grains, fruits, or vegetables. However, some alcoholic beverages may use animal-derived ingredients or additives in their production process, so it's always best to check the label or contact the manufacturer to confirm if the alcohol is vegetarian-friendly.

Why do people likes and dislike certain foods?

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People's preferences for certain foods are influenced by a combination of genetic, cultural, psychological, and environmental factors. Positive associations (e.g., childhood memories, social influences) can make people like certain foods, while negative experiences (e.g., food poisoning, allergies) can lead to dislikes. Additionally, taste preferences can change over time as people are exposed to new flavors and environments.

What is the percent of Hindus who are vegetarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Around 80 percent of the total hindus are vegetarians. in some parts of India this number goes very higher or lower. This trend has been declining as more and more hindus Are abandoning their strict religious views and accepting globalisation of religion.

How many vegetarians are there in Germany?

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As of 2021, it is estimated that around 10% of the population in Germany follow a vegetarian diet, which translates to approximately 8 million people. The number of vegetarians in Germany has been steadily increasing over the years.

Is red 40 vegetarian?

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Yes, Red 40 is vegetarian. It is a synthetic dye made from petroleum and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

What percentage of ex-vegetarians return to being meat-eaters?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uh... All of them. If you're not a vegetarian, than you eat meat. A vegetarian eats no animals. If you are not a vegetarian, then you don't eat the classification of not eating meat and therefore you do eat meat.

What percentage of Americans follows a vegetarian diet?

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Approximately 5% of Americans follow a vegetarian diet, which includes not consuming meat. This percentage has been increasing in recent years due to a growing awareness of health, environmental, and ethical concerns related to meat consumption.

Which country has the most vegetarians?

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Asked by Gyl

India has the most number of vegetarians.

According to various sources (including Food and Agricultural Organization, UNO and United States Department of Agriculture, USA), about 30% (average of estimates) of Indian population is vegetarian. That means as of 2010 more than 300 million Indians are vegetarians.

Indian vegetarians are rarely vegans and mostly lacto vegetarians (that is, vegetarians who consume milk, but not meat or eggs). There are substantial lacto ovo vegetarians (that is, who consume milk and eggs, but not meat), too.

How many vegetarians are there in the world?

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It is estimated that there are around 375 million vegetarians worldwide. This number includes both strict vegetarians who avoid all animal products, as well as semi-vegetarians who may consume some animal products, such as eggs or dairy.

How many people in Canada follow a vegetarian diet?

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Approximately 8% of the Canadian population follow a vegetarian diet.

Has there been any vegetarians to live over 100 years of age?

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Yes, there have been vegetarians who have lived over 100 years of age. While diet is just one factor in longevity, a balanced vegetarian diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based protein sources can contribute to overall health and potentially play a role in extending lifespan.

What is Bouillon Powder?

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Bouillon powder is a concentrated seasoning made from dehydrated vegetables, meat, and seasonings. It is used to add flavor to soups, stews, sauces, and other dishes by dissolving it in hot water. Bouillon powder is a convenient alternative to homemade stock and often comes in different flavors such as chicken, beef, and vegetable.

Do vegetarians live a long life?

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There is some evidence to suggest that vegetarians may have a longer lifespan compared to non-vegetarians due to their lower risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. However, other factors such as overall diet quality, lifestyle, and genetics also play a significant role in determining lifespan.

Can vegetarians drink soda?

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Yes, vegetarians can drink soda as it does not contain any animal products. However, some vegetarians may choose to avoid soda due to health concerns or personal preferences.