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the couplet at the end contrasts in mood with the rest of the poem, upbeat then dark, which shows a contrast within women's personalities; freedom and oppression. The rhythm and rhyme of the poem flows to mimic the movement of the tent and therefore women and their ties of relationships and love.

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1mo ago

The English Sonnet form used in "The Silken Tent" reflects the women's strength and grace, mirroring the speaker's admiration for her. The structured and tightly controlled form of the sonnet parallels the woman's ability to stand rigid and unyielding yet remain delicate and poised, akin to a silken tent in the wind. The poem's controlled rhyme scheme and meter capture the woman's ability to maintain composure and beauty despite inner strength and resilience.

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Q: How does verse form English sonnet in The Silken Tent help to characterize the women?
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