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I haven't tried sugar in a while, but who would want to swallow vinegar? No offense or anything. I swear by peanut butter. If it doesn't work the first time, keep trying it. Its supposed to relax the nerve that causes hiccups or something. It works about 99% of the time. Out of all the time I've tried it, only once it didn't work.

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Q: How does vineger and sugar get rid of hiccups?
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Charles Osborne holds the record for the longest bout of hiccups, lasting 68 years from 1922 to 1990. His hiccups started after he fell and injured his head.

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Why do you get hiccups and what is a way to stop them?

i have no idea how you get hiccups you could probably find it on Wikipedia but the best cure i know is to have a lime slice dip it in sugar then your hiccups are gone this is what i always did hope it helped :)

Why does sugar cure hiccups?

It does not. Although there are many ideas that work for different people, hiccups are a synchronous diaphragmic flutter, caused by a disturbed diaphragm.

Why does sugar cure of hiccups?

Actually, it is not the sugar that cures the hiccups, its the swallowing that cures them. Well, the vagal nerve, one of the 12 cranial nerves that has control of glossopharyngeal is stimulated by the sugar, otherwise any swallowing of anything would relieve. James Hussher, MD

What is the cause of hicups?

Hiccups are usually caused by a lack of oxygen to the diaphragm. Hiccups are hard to get rid of once they start. Many people might get the hiccups just by eating a piece of bread without drinking water or another liquid.

How can you get rid of hiccups without being scared or drinking water with out breaths because they don't work?

You can get rid of hiccups without being scared, drinking a glass of water, or holding your breath by swallowing lemon juice or by simply making yourself to burp.

Why do hispanic people put a red thread on the forehead to get rid of hiccups?

it does get rid of it but dont to it it cuts off your circulation dont do it.. in your head.... i think......