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The water cycle redistributes water in different patterns that make different areas have different climate.

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Jimmy Mueller

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1y ago
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Q: How does water cycle help determine climate around the world?
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How are the water cycle and the climate related?

maybe because the the two of them have water and cycle

How would global warming change the water cycle and the climate around bodies of water like oceans and lakes?


Why does the water cycle affect weather patterns and climate?

Yes water cycle affect weather pattern and climate. They are changed after precipitation.

What is needed for the water cycle to occur?


How does the water cycle affect the climate?


Is the water cycle the result of weather and climate?

Yes, the water cycle provides moisture into the atmospere.

What role does the transpiration play in the water cycle?

by taking part in the water cycle and watering the earths climate!

How are the water cycle in an area and the climate in the area related?

The water cycle starts with weather. :] :P :O ;]

Is the water cycle a resulted to weather and climate?

no right?

How the water cycle related to weather patterns and climate?

It is related because the water cycle is never ending, so the weather depends on where we are in the cycle.

Which part of the water cycle affects climate?

The evaporation of water from the Earth's surface and the condensation of water vapor into clouds play a significant role in the water cycle and affect climate by influencing temperature and precipitation patterns. This process helps regulate the Earth's energy balance, which ultimately influences the climate system.

What goes around and around in the water cycle?

Water goes around and around in water cycle. Water gets converted into different states.