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I think you may misunderstand the process. I can only imagine that wind power drives the turbine via kinetic energy. this powers a cell that electrolyses water to form hydrogen and water. this could act as a form of capacitor also (storage of energy)

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Where is wind power stored?

In Batteries or converted to hydrogen fuel

How can wind be used as power?

Windmills can make power with wind.

Bad things about wind power?

Wind power depends on using wind to make electricity.

What do you need to make wind power?

a turbine and wind!

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by using other sources of energy as electricity,hydrogen engine,solar power,wind power,etc

How do you make wind into energy or store it into a power source?

with a wind turbine.

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the power to make wind.

How do you make a wind power car?

You can't.

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you can use solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen, or thermal energy

What is the fuel source in a wind power plant?

wind, and sometimes they have to use electricity to power the machines they use to make the windmills.

What energy do wind turbines make?

It generates wind power and turns it to solar energy.JK

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both make energy naturally