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Q: How does your footprint change how is it that it is up to you?
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What is the definition built-up land footprint?

it is a built of land footprint when people walk on it and use it and stuff also has to do with architecture

What is the definition built up land footprint?

it is a built of land footprint when people walk on it and use it and stuff also has to do with architecture

What is a footprint calculator?

Footprint calculator can be carbon footprint calculator or ecological footprint calculator, which can give data about your impact on environment.

Is a footprint not a adaptation?

Is a footprint not a adaptation

What do footprints symbolize?

Footprint is a footprint

The generation and electricity use, along with_have been determined to be the 2 major sources of greenhouse gases that cause global climate change. How is this related to a carbon footprint What can someone do to reduce their carbon footprint?


How do you say footprint in German?

Footprint = Fußabdruck

What part of speech is footprint?

Footprint is a noun.

What is a carbon footprint rap?

carbon footprint

How do you put footprint in a sentence?

It was the footprint of a gigantic hound. Robinson Crusoe found a footprint on the beach.

How do you get evee to evolve into umbieon in Diamond the game?

get eevee to love you (get the footprint ribbon from Dr. footprint). Then level it up at night NOT THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you evolve eevee during the day you get espeon.

Where is the yeti footprint on cryptids island?

It is up the trail from the monastery. Climb up and beat the monk at the game (there is no sure winning move because the game is badly translated). Then go up and right, then left. You need a camera from Loch Ness to photograph the footprint.