

How early can a male cat make babies?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Male cats cannot have babies, so they cannot have babies early.

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Q: How early can a male cat make babies?
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Can a female cat have babies without a male cat?

No. Cat queens do require a male cat to fertilize them before they can have kittens.

When can male cat be with babIES?

Yes unless the male is very aggressive or territorial.

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The male has a penis, female a vagina. They produce babies with these mythological parts

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Yes, any pet can have babies if you have a male and female both dog or cat and leave them in a room for a bit and they will mate. :)

If you don't vaccine your cat will she have babies?

No, it's a good idea to vaccinate your cat, but if you don't it won't caused it to get pregnant and have babies. Keep it away from male cats and keep it in the house. Get your cat spayed then you won't have to worry about it and you won't have a bunch of unwanted kittens.

How do you make baby cats?

You take a male cat (tom) and a female cat (she-cat) and breed them. :D

What is a cat sperm?

A cat's sperm is a cell that comes from the male cat. They fertilize the eggs in the female cat and make her pregnant.

Which has the most babies cat or cow?

The cat has the biggest amount of babies at once.

A male cat?

A male cat is called a Tom cat.