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270 electoral votes are needed to win the U.S. presidency. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

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Q: How electoral votes does it take to win the Electoral College?
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McCain will receive all 34 Electoral College Votes. Texas is a winner take all State.

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0. Wisconsin is a winner-take-all state.

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Tucson does not have any electoral votes. Based on the 2010 Census, Arizona has 11 electoral votes. Arizona appoints its electors on a winner-take-all basis, based on the Arizona statewide popular vote on Election Day.

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Mccain had 0 electoral votes in New york, because of the winner take all status of New York's electoral votes, mccain did not get any in New York.

What does winner takes all mean in the terms of electoral votes?

The person who gets a simple majority of the votes takes all the electoral votes for that state. Electoral votes are not distributed on the basis of what percentage each candidate received. If you receive 50.6 you take them all

How many elected votes does it take to win the election for president of the US?

Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. The states choose as many electors as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. 270 electoral votes in the Electoral College are needed to win the U.S. presidency. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes in the Electoral College is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

What is one main problem with the Electoral College system of electing the President?

I would not call it a problem, but one feature of the system is its winner-take-all aspect in the awarding of electoral votes. States can split their votes but only a few states choose to do so. There are also people who think it would be better to base the election solely on the popular votes and dispense with the electoral college altogether. However, there are good reasons why the electoral college was established by the Constitution and many new problems that would likely arise with a direct election.

Does it take 270 electoral votes to win the presidency?
