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because when they leave one thinng other may make changes aand do it grately

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Q: How experimental results of some scientists help chemist to formulate new theories?
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He introduced experimental investigation in chemistry

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A scientist, or just a chemist.

What prompted James Hutton to formulate the principle of uniformitarianism?

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Yes, the first chemical reaction (without the enzyme) acted as a control.

What is the names of all scientists who start with an m?

· Marie Curie (physicist & chemist)

What kind of scientists use microscopes in their work or research?

i think a biologist or chemist

Which US chemist won the Nobel Prize in 1976 for his theories of molecular structure?

William N. Lipscomb.

Is a chemist a scienitst?

Many chemists do conduct research and those that do are often referred to as scientists.

What are different types of chemist?

* Biochemist * Chemical Analyst * Chemist, Analytical * Chemist, Clinical * Chemist, Food * Chemist, Industrial * Chemist, Inorganic * Chemist, Organic * Chemist, Pharmaceutical * Chemist, Physical * Chemist, Police * Chemist, Pollution Control * Chemist, Polymer * Chemist, Production * Chemist, Quality Control * Chemist, Research * Crime Lab Analyst * Criminologist * Food and Drug Inspector * Food Technologist * Industrial Hygienist * Laboratory Assistant * Microbiologist * Perfumer * Quality Control Supervisor * Researcher * Sales, Wholesale * Sanitarian * Sanitation Inspector * Soil Scientist * Spectroscopist * Supervisor, Publications * Teacher * Technical Sales * Technical Writer * Technician, Chemical Laboratory * Technician, Dialysis * Technician, Fingerprint * Technician, Histologic * Technician, Medical * Technician, Ophthalmic Laboratory * Technician, Optical Laboratory * Technician, Quality Control * Technician, X-ray * Technologist, Food * Technologist, Forest Products * Technologist, Hematology * Technologist, Medical * Technologist, X-ray * Translator, Scientific Documents * Water Resources Specialist

Which type of scientists would determine the different kind of fat found in milk chocolate?

a chemist

Who formulate the law of composition?

The French chemist Joseph Proust is generally believed to have been the first person to formulate this theory. Proust's theory may have had it's roots in the work of an Englishman called William Prout, who is credited with having put forward 'Prout's hypothesis'.

Who invented multivitamins?

the first company to formulate and distribute the first multivitamins and multi minerals in the world is NUTRILITE in 1934. It is first introduced in north america. Nutrilite was founded BY a chemist CARL REHNBORG.